
We were in CHLA at 8:45AM for a scheduled blood transfusion which took a little bit longer then it should of but that’s fine. We were home at 2:30 and Eli immediately started what seemed to be like he was feeling a lot better. He asked for food and actually ate it and then asked for more food and ate that as well. He ate today more then he ate almost all week combined. Beezrat hashem that will continue as the scale today showed what we already knew from seeing Eli which is that he is the skinniest he has ever been.

We hope that the blood transfusion gives him the much needed boost in strength and appetite and hopefully this coming week will be a lot better then the last few. The good news is that BH he is drinking and not chas vshalom dehydrated and does not need IV.

Elimelech Ben Baysa needs all of the brochos that shabos comes with to help him get thru these difficult days. We hope his mouth sores go away asap and that his appetite and strength come back more then ever. GUT SHABOS