Monthly Archives: February 2014


Haven’t sent an update in a long while but BH things have been bli ayin hora pretty good. After the last in patient day in CHLA Eli was showered with many brochos, presents, balloons, the front door and house were decorated all in his honor to give him much needed chizuk and love. Slowly since then Eli has been regaining strength and has also been eating. We are now slowly starting the process of beezrat hashem weening Eli off of the TPN which his body has gotten used to.

Last week we spent the long weekend with bubby and zaidy Ribiat from Lakewood which was very nice. Then after mid winter vacation Elis morah and class made a beautiful welcome back sign and pizza party in his class. That was the first day he was back in school in quite a while. The next few days he went to school each day a little bit longer then the day before. We look forward to that trend continuing until Eli IYH gets back to a full normal regular schedule.

We just got back today from a long weekend in Miami with hundreds of other people that were all there for the same reason the Chai Lifeline marathon. Eli was the center of attention where we had over shabos 3 tables full of people that flew in to run in his honor. Each runner pledged to collect $3600 and some for the first time got to see and meet Eli. It was a beautiful shabos in a very nice hotel all arranged by Ayala Back and Chai Lifeline and their whole team. Sunday morning at 4AM we woke Eli up to get on the bus to go to the start line. They had arranged a special oversized jogger that was pushed by a good friend of ours Yossi Cohn. They finished the half marathon 13.2 miles in record time and Eli along with all the runners received their medals. It was truly a moving and special weekend.

The schedule for now for Eli is that he has a 2 week break from the accutane medication and then does one more 2 week round of it. That will be followed the week of 3/10/14 of a full round of scans and beezrat hashem as soon as we get IYH only good results the official treatment plan will be done. Eli will have his line removed if he is able to be without TPN. After that we look forward to seeing Eli continue to grow, gain strength and as always continue to only give us nachas as we watch him grow bruchnius ubgashmius until 120.

One last usual request please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos and we should all be zoche to seeing Eli have a refua shelayma bsoch shaar choley yisroel AMEN