
Eli had a good night sleep and relaxed this morning before we headed to MSKCC for our 12PM appointment. We were met by a whole team of Chai Lifeline people who directed us and showed us where to go etc. We then met with Dr Kushner who told us the plan for today and Tuesday which had a few good changes. They then gave Eli his MIBG injection in preparation for Tuesday morning scan. BH Dr Kushner was happy with the way Eli looked and felt that he will be doing the MIBG treatment in a few weeks which requires general anesthesia so he felt that we should postpone the bone marrow testing and do them both at the same time. So Tuesday now will only have a MIBG and CT scan starting at 830AM contrast followed by scans at 10AM IYH. Because of the plan change we also changed our flight plan and will be going home to LA right after the scans and not staying until Wednesday as originally planned.

Thanks to my brother who took the long ride from Lakewood to pick us up in JFK and give us a ride to NYC and for always being there for us. There is a very long list of special people that came to help and visit today. It started with a friend schlepping from Lakewood and bringing and insane amount of breakfast. Followed by a Rosh Yeshiva from Monsey who brought an insane amount of food for lunch. We then had 2 special YU guys one from LA that played a few exciting games with Eli at MSKCC which he really appreciated. And then we met another friend for dinner at a nice steakhouse which Eli loved. After a short break the door didn’t stop with endless friends and family coming to keep us company. BH Eli was in a great mood and had everyone entertained until well after midnight. Thank you also to the many people that wanted to come but that I had to say no to because of time and space and germs. We hope to see more people if Eli is up to it next time we come.

A unbelievable thanks to our cousins who are our hosts this time in NYC and last year when we came for surgery. They are true examples of ohev chesed, hachnasas orchim, and bikur cholim all in one place. Their open door has made coming here so much easier and we can’t thank them or appreciate them enough. Thanks a million Ruvy and Rivkeleh.

Please daven that todays scans should only bring good news and that Elimelech Ben Basya should be cleared to beezrat hashem come back in a few weeks to NY for the treatment.