
We bli ayin hora had a beautiful relaxed Shabos at home. Motzei Shabos Lag Baomer is one of Elis favorite times of the year and this year and IYH many more he will enjoy the songs of Lag Baomer. Eli had to be up early Sunday so that we can catch a 9AM flight to JFK. Thanks to Chai Lifeline West Coast and an anonymous donor they arranged for Eli and I to be sitting in the first row on the plane in FIRST CLASS away from as much germs as possible. Alyssa, Randi, Marilyn, Gila and the entire Chai Lifeline team thanks so much for always being there for us.

The plan for Monday is to be in MSKCC (Sloan Hospital) at noon to take the medication needed to be taken prior to getting a MIBG injection. An hour or so after taking the meds they will give the injection and that’s about all that is planned for Monday. On Tuesday will IYH be a full day there for all the scans.

Please continue as always having Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in mind in all your tefilos

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