
At the end of last week we received BAH great news. The bone marrow biopsy which 6 months ago showed the marrow being nearly completely full of disease is now nearly all clear!!! This is extremely good news and it only happened with a lot of zchusim of tefila that everyone is doing on Eli’s behalf. 

As a result of this early Monday morning we will IYH be back in CHLA to do a stem cell transplant using some of the stem cells they harvested from Eli at the time of diagnosis. Beezrat hashem this will help jump start Eli’s platelets to hopefully levels we haven’t seen in a long time which in turn may make Eli eligible for studies that he hasn’t been able to be part of because of low platelets. The actual transplant is a IV bag that takes about 7 minutes to empty thru his line but they before and after need to hydrate Eli for a few hours. 

Aside from the good news on paper it has also given Eli a mental boost and he feels very good about himself. He has been doing a lot of walking and activities that not that long ago didn’t seem physically possible. BH the TPN has also helped and the scale is clearly showing it aloing with the way he looks. 

As good as this all this and it’s amazing we still have a very long road ahead before they consider Eli is remission but it’s a great start and any good news we get is always accepted. ‎

Please continue as always having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.

7 thoughts on “6/14/15

  1. Marcia Fine

    Baruch Hashem – so glad to read this good news. G-d willing, it should continue on to a complete remission.

  2. Ilana

    Baruch Hashem may Eli have continued refuah-he is always in our prayers. We salute such a brave young boy.

  3. Sylvia Danzer

    We should continue to only hear be’H good news about Eli’s getting closer to remission. May it be soon.

  4. Sara Kraina Nadler

    I cannot imagine how difficult this nisayon is for all of you. Even though I donot know Elimelech personally I say tehillim for him everyday and he is constantly in my thoughts. My daughter who just came back from seminary in Eretz Yisroel recently visited a husband and wife who have a farm and are observing shmitta. Rabbi Kanievsky is sending people to shmitta observant farmers to get brochos. Please tell
    Elimelech that they are davening for him too! May the Eibishte grant him a refuah shleimah speedily and may he experience know more suffering!!!
    Sara Kraina Nadler

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