
Eli is currently in middle of the final chemo of this round which until today went very well. For some reason their schedule was off and it’s taking hours to get nothing done. It’s taking on average about 2 hours from start to finish but today after 2 hours they have finally just started. 

Anyway for the most part Eli has been feeling well and doing ok aside from some slight weight loss this week. In the beginning of the week they drew Eli’s platelets were very low which was expected to go even lower with chemo but BH they were up a decent amount by weeks end so Eli didn’t need any transfusions. 

For the last many months we haven’t done any other treatments or scans and the reason was because they were happy with the chemo he was getting which was the same type each round. That chemo won’t be effective forever and most children become immune to it anywhere between 6-18 months. So in preparation for that we are trying to be proactive and have something else lined up. Therefore at the end of next week they will be IYH doing MIBG and CT scans and possibly followed by a bone marrow check. Based on those results they can decide what treatment best fits as the next step. 

Wishing everyone a GUT SHABOS GUT YOM TOV and asking everyone to have Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in your tefilos. ‎

2 thoughts on “5/22/15

  1. Shlomo Frid (Lakewood)

    Refua Shleima & have a wonderfull shabes & yomtov
    Thnk u for keeping us posted
    Eli’s smile k’h is gevaldig; only naches

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