
We got the OK this morning from the DR to travel to NY after the blood tests that were drawn on Thursday came back BH ok. We are on a 11:15AM flight to JFK thanks to Chai Lifeline once again for arranging our travel with only the best accommodations. On Monday Eli has a 930AM Dr appt in MSKCC and I guess we will go from there. It is possible that he won’t be admitted until Tuesday but we won’t know that until we are there.

Bli ayin hora Eli feels very good and we hope it always stays that way. I was also informed today that it is more then likely that we won’t be back in LA as soon after as I hoped but that remains an open topic for the DRs to decide.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos during this Shabos and especially the next few days and weeks. This MIBG treatment that he will IYH undergo we hope will bring the refua Eli needs. A GUT SHABOS