
Eli started taking the 2 medications on Monday morning and we will find out if it beezrat hashem did what it was intended to do on Friday. Bli ayin hora for the most part Eli has been feeling pretty good and even made it to school a few times in the last few weeks for short periods of time with the help of his rebbi Rabbi Weiner and his class they all really enjoyed.

As of now we plan to take a Sunday AM flight to NY and check in to MSKCC on Monday for anywhere from 3 days and on. In a perfect world we hope to come back to LA 8 days later on Monday. The MIBG treatment is very high radioactive materials and therefore only short periods of visitation at one time is recommended for everyone.

Unfortunately the list of Cholim doesn’t seem to diminish and some of the Cholim now more then ever need our tefilos desperately. The list is long but here are a few names: Chaya Zisa Elka Bas Blumah, Chana Tova Bas Esther Shoshana, Chaya Mushka Bas Hadassa Shayna, Golda Bas Miriam and of course Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel. If everyone can do something bzchus all of these cholim who so desperately need and deserve a refua shelayma bkarov. We should be zoche to see this YT of Shavous celebrated next year in EY AMEN.