
So far so good. Eli is feeling very good, still eating and still full of humor. I say still because they expect that in the next few days the side effects of the chemo to kick in. In the meantime we are taking it day by day and BH all is good. Eli didn’t have the best nights sleep because the of the many blood tests they took and all the movement and noise woke him pretty early. We look forward to a relaxed, quiet and restful shabos in CHLA playing some games, reading and shmoozing.

As far as treatment goes I was corrected today and told what the plan and schedule for the transplant is. There will be IYH 16 doses of this hi dose chemo which is being given every 6 hours for 4 days as of right before shabos he should complete 3 of 16. There are potentially many different side effects some which are normal for chemo and others which aren’t, so as a precaution that those CV shouldn’t happen they give Eli many medications thru IV to prevent that. After the 16 doses of chemo there will be 2 days without any chemo and then they will be giving Eli back his stem cells that they took right after he was diagnosed and they froze away in anticipation of this day. The entire actual transplant process is done thru his central line and takes all of between 5-10 minutes!!

At the time they infuse him for a few days before and after they expect Eli to be extremely weak because his immune system will be at zero. Once the transplant is done it takes a few days for his body to slowly gain back strength, blood levels, and counts and at that time they still need to monitor Eli to make sure all stays and remains stable beezrat hashem. So in short this process if all goes smoothly can last as short as about 25 days and the average is about 30 days or as long as it takes for all to be normal.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya in your tefilos and we hope all continues to be as easy as possible, as smooth as possible and as quick as possible. Beezrat hashem shabos he melizuk and Eli together with all cholim should see a refua shelayma bkarov. A GUT SHABOS