
Eli got home after testing his line to make sure it works properly and then had a platelet transfusion. After almost not sleeping at all last night he slept until late in the day and once he was up BH he was in a great mood and headed home about 4PM.

Thanks to the generosity of a local choshuveh yid who gave up his miztva so that Eli was able to be zoche late this evening to do a mitzva most people aren’t able to do which is Shiluach Hakan. Eli was taught the halacha and was told the many different segulos that specifically come from this mitzva and may Eli be zoche to every single one of them especially arichas yomim in good health. Once at the location which was about a 30 minute drive Eli BH had the strength to climb up a ladder and do it K’halacha.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.