
Finally at 9AM we got the ok to go home and Eli and we couldn’t be more excited. We got our stuff together and got into the car and as soon as we pulled out of CHLA Eli asked to roll down the windows for his first breath of fresh air all week. The little things we all take for granted are big deals in his life. But the main thing was his smile on his face when we finally got home. And the celebration from Sori and Ari when they got home after also not seeing him all week.

The rest of the day was just pure relaxation and slowly letting Eli work on getting back his full appetite. We look forward to a restful relaxed shabos and hope he will be up to going to shul. He is very excited about Purim and just being part of the fun and not laid and beezrat hashem he will be up to doing all that.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos especially on Purim (which is a big day for tefila) in hopes that once again the doctors will be very wrong and the usual side effect of fever and nausea will be non existent so that we can have Eli stay home until his next scheduled appt. GUT SHABOS