
Eli came home Friday afternoon exhausted and very unhappy. He got into bed at 5PM for the night. After a little talk he decided at 615 he wants to go to shul. He suddenly got a 2nd wind and was up for part of the meal and ate a decent amount as well. Shabos morning he woke up in a great mood and between going to shul, eating the seuda and a little bit of relaxing he had all in all a very good enjoyable and restful Shabos BH.

We hope this only continues and gets better and stronger Sunday as we prepare for another round in CHLA starting Sunday night and IYH getting out Friday morning.

We have been told that this week will probably challenging for Elimelech Ben Basya and we hope they are wrong but please as always daven on his behalf that it going by quickly, easily and IYH pain free. A GUT VOCH

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