
After relaxing for most of the morning at home and playing with a few friends we decided it was time to get out. We headed to Marina Del Rey but I forgot to give Eli some anti nausea meds so he had a episode when we got there but I or he wasn’t going to let that ruin the day so we got on our rented speed boat and had a blast together as a family which we all really enjoyed.

Once we got home and let Elis stomach rest for a few minutes it was back in the car for a scheduled DR appt at CHLA where Eli was cleared to start the next round of immunotherapy. The good news is that he doesn’t have to be there for this round on Sunday night he can go Monday morning and the even better news is that this round IYH should not cause any pain and he should be able to leave the hospital Friday morning.

As always Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma bsoch shaar choley yisroel. On WED morning IYH Chaya Mushka Bas Hadasa Shayna will reach a milestone that Eli and all cancer patients look forward to which is the surgery to remove the central line please daven that all should go well and STAY WELL UNTIL 120 AMEN.