
Sunday afternoon Eli once again had an uncontrollable nose bleed which landed us at  the ER at CHLA where BH they were understanding and helped us get platelets as quick as possible and sent us on our way getting home a few minutes before RH. At the seudah Sunday night Eli was very much part of it and felt for the most part pretty good. BAH since Shabos Eli is off of pain meds but remains frail and weak. 

Monday morning we heard shofar at home and were on our way to CHLA for stem cell transplant. All went as scheduled and once there they realized Eli was very low on blood and he got a transfusion as well. By the time all was done we were home at about 4PM. Monday night and Tuesday morning Eli insisted on being at shul which we allowed for a few minutes and made sure no one touched him as his counts are all pretty much at zero making him very neutropenic. 

WED morning is back at CHLA first for a appt with the nutrition dept to IYH get Eli back on TPN asap for his extreme weight loss and then to the Infusion center for probable transfusions. Because of the many times Eli has been low lately on blood and being that for the forseeable future Eli will need more blood transfusions anyone that is available and can donate is asked to please call Bikur Cholim 323-852-1900 and schedule with them. Thanks so much to anyone that can volunteer for this.  

Looking forward to a new year full of only good news for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim. ‎

2 thoughts on “9/15/15

  1. Freya kevehaxi

    I continue to read every post you send and have you always in my prayers. Can I donate blood in Israel to help you? If so, please contact me by mail.
    Freya Kevehazi

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