
We got back early Monday morning from a truly unforgettable trip to Israel. We accomplished what we mainly went for which was to daven by the kosel, Kever rochel, some of Eli’s Great grandparents‎ Graves, Kivrei Tzadikim and to receive as many brochos as possible. 

By every rov and rebbe we went to Eli was very warmly greeted and asked for a brocha for himself and all children in similar situations. Eli got brochos from R Dovid Soloveitchik, R Yitzchok Scheiner, R Reuven Elbaz, R Tuvia Weiss, R Nachman Levovitz, Pinsk Karlin Rebbe, Dushinsky Rebbe and many other chashuvim. We also went to a cheder of 1600 kids in Sanhedria Morchevet called Chochmas Shlomo where every single kid in the cheder knew of the name Elimelech Ben Basya. It was very inspiring to see them saying tehilim specially for Eli daily.   ‎

We also went at least once a day sometimes twice to the kosel and Eli davened very hard there‎. Just walking around Yerushalayim was enjoyable where so many people we have never seen would just come over and say refua shelayma or ask for Elis tehilim name. 

Shabos was extremely nice and relaxed in the hotel where we ate together with a lot of LA people at the Wolmark Sheva Brochos where so many people went out of their way to make sure Eli had anything and everything he wanted. After the long trip we finally got on the plane and we both fell asleep as soon as the plane took off and we slept straight for 11+ hours!!

BH when we got back we went to CHLA to have Eli’s labs checked and BAH Eli held his own and didn’t need any transfusions. On Thursday is the next scheduled DR appt at which we hope Eli will be cleared to begin chemo once again on Monday. 

Please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. Also I forgot the last time I wrote the list of young cholim to include  ‎Yehuda Ben Margalit Sara as well as Minka Sara Bas Devora Gittel bsoch shaar choley yisroel.