
Bli ayin hora today was completely the opposite of yesterday. We had a very good night sleep and didn’t have to rush to be at MSKCC. We got there for our 1PM appointment suitcases in tow and got checked in and met with a few different DRs and were told the rules and regulations of the MIBG therapy room. Once we got to the room we were told there was anything for Eli to be there for until 11PM. So we went for a 2 hour walk around Manhattan which Eli really enjoyed and then were joined by Bassys parents for dinner which was very nice. We were then visited by the pregnant family members who won’t be able to visit once there treatment is done beezrat hashem on Wednesday.

The schedule for now is that Eli can’t eat or drink as of midnight due to the fact that early in the morning they will have a procedure done to check the bone marrow and to insert a catheter. The reason for the catheter is because it constantly drains all urine and since it will be full of radiation they want it out of his body as quickly as possible and into special lead containers so that no one and nothing gets contaminated. Somewhere between 2-3PM they will IYH do the MIBG therapy and from then it will be 2-4 days until it has subsided to a level that is low enough to discharge us from the hospital. We will more then very likely be spending Shabos at MSKCC and if Eli is very lucky we can leave right after Shabos but if not on Shabos then it won’t be until Monday as the DR that needs to see Eli in order to be discharged doesn’t work on Sunday. No I’m not kidding.

Once discharged we will need to return daily for 3 consecutive days of MIBG scans but BH not the full 2 hour scan just a 20 minute scan to make sure the radiation is where they want it to be. So in a perfect world we can possibly leave NY on Wednesday 6/18.

The room is a private room which for MSKCC isn’t typical and they have a few lead partitions around the bed so that the rays of the radiation effect the people in the room a lot less. I will also will only be able to have very minimal physical contact with Eli to avoid the radiation. I also need to wear something that constantly monitors my radiation levels and if they are to high I to need to leave the room for a period of time. Visitors are ok to come to the room area but not into the room. No pregnant women or children are allowed at all.

This treatment IYH will be a big part of Elimelech Ben Basya refua plan and it falls out on the yartzeit of my fathers father Reb Yakov Ben Boruch whose 12th yartzeit is Wednesday Yud Gimmel Sivan. Please say an extra kapitel or do something bzchus Eli and my Zaideh that all should go with the best possible results.