
We got the news this morning that we were hoping for which is BH a very good start that the CT scan that Eli had on Tuesday came back all clear. Between the good news of the scan and a truly uplifting day for myself I personally could not of asked for more. Eli feeling great, getting good news and myself in NY for my yeshiva (Peekskill) dinner where over 1100 alumnus and supporters of the yeshiva gathered for the yeshivas 50th anniversary honoring the Rosh Yeshiva and his Rebetzin Rabbi and Mrs Kanarek.

I say truly uplifting because I must of been told by literally hundreds of my friends of how they daily and some more then once a day say tehilim for Eli. The RY, the rebetzin are truly amazing people and have kept a personal shaychus with myself and family since I came to yeshiva in 9th grade and thru the years and made a special meaningful visit to LA a few months ago specially to come visit Eli and spend time and give myself and Bassy chizuk. There hasn’t been a day and usually more then once a day since Eli was diagnosed that we don’t receive a text from the RY and Rebetzin to ask and follow how Eli is doing. It was a honor to try to slightly repay all the favors they have done for myself, family, and friends for the last 20 years to be at this dinner in honor of them and the yeshiva.

We are very hopeful and continue to daven that the results today should be the same good results we receive always on every scan and test that Elimelech Ben Basya takes in the next few weeks and the next few years.