
We got home very late Thursday night from a most amazing trip to Hawaii!! Eli chose to go there through the Make A Wish Foundation nearly 2 years ago and we had this planned a few times but each time Eli landed in the hospital and therefore was unable to go. This time they made it happen and it was a truly amazing week spent in Waikiki along with Elis brothers and sister. ‎

Friday morning it’s right back to reality and back to CHLA for possible transfusions and for a DR visit. This is all in preparation for Mondays anticipated begining of a 5 day outpatient chemo and possible restart of TPN. We will IYH get the details at the appt and we will go from there. 

Please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in your tefilos.  

One thought on “3/12/15

  1. Freya Kevehazi

    I constantly have Eli in my prayers and am always reading your posts. I am so glad Eli had a good time and hope that next week’s treatment will go as planned. Shabbat shalom

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