Monthly Archives: January 2015


Once again the last few days have been very good for Eli and he has gotten out a lot and has walked more then he has in many weeks. Unfortunately that’s all probably about to change once again.

This morning we made it in record time in and out of CHLA in under 2 hours including the actual bone marrow procedure and BAH Eli didn’t have the pain he usually has after having the procedure. We hope to get results of todays procedure in the next day or two. The results will tell us how infected Elis bone marrow is or isn’t and based on that they will continue giving the appropriate treatment.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will IYH be outpatient chemo and is the same type as this past round which likely once again will bring Elis blood counts to zero. There is a chance that they will give him stem cells to help jump start and boost Elis counts a few days after the chemo is done but that has yet to be determined.

Please as always continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos.