
Eli checked into CHLA Sunday early afternoon in hopes that beezrat hashem all goes well we should be able to be home for Shabos. On Sunday they started chemo which Eli will get daily. They also started on Friday already a medication to hopefully help ease the pain of the immunotherapy which is scheduled to begin Monday at 11:00AM and run daily over about 16 hours for 4 days. 

Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya in your davening that he should have a pain free week of treatment and that the treatment should have its full effect. ‎

4 thoughts on “12/7/15

  1. leah golbart

    We say Eli’s name everyday in our Tehillim in our Kindergarten class. We wish Eli a refuah sheliema, a pain free and successful week!

  2. Sylvia Danzer

    Chanukah is the time of Nissim. May we see the Nes that this time the chemo and the immunotherapy will deliver a final knock-out punch to his horrible machla. May Eli have a refuah shleima quickly and be zoche to a completely normal life. As usual we continue to Daven for him.

  3. Sylvia Danzer

    Does Eli get Keytruda? A new immunotherapy? Supposedly helped Jimmy Carter have his tumors disappear.

  4. Ayobola Alo

    Pray that The Lord’s Word goes forth today, afresh from Jerusalem, to heal and to rescue you, Eli.
    May the condition respond positively to treatment. And may HaShem give you health, healing and wholeness. May you also be pain free .. Amen.

    You are on my mind each day as I daven.

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