
Eli had a well deserved fun filled week. Monday we went as a family to Disneyland. On Tuesday Elis Uncle Nachum came from Lakewood and we went bowling and went to Elis favorite steakhouse. On Wednesday together with Uncles Nachum and Reuven we went fishing for the day which we all thoroughly enjoyed. On Thursday the counselor that was meant to accompany Eli on his trip to Florida came in and took Eli alone to Universal Studios. Thank you so much Chai Lifeline, Yakov Jeidel and of course the special counselor Eliyahu Katz.

As far as treatments and appointments there were none BH this week and we don’t yet have the schedule for next week but it will probably consist of a lot of blood work as well as a bone marrow check. Based on those results it will then IYH be decided what further treatments and when Eli will have them.

Unfortunately the Tehilim list seems lately to only grow. Please have in mind Malka Braindel Bas Shaina Shifra a 5 year old who has relapsed for the 3rd time. Chaya Mushka Bas Haddassa Shayna. Golda Bas Miriam. Hillel Sholom Shachneh Ben Rivka. Elimelech Ben Basya all of the above are young children suffering from similar machlas and are in need of our tefilos.

As a side note when I don’t post anything it means BAH all is ok and we don’t want any Ayin Hora so we keep it at nothing.