
The last few days BAH have been very good. Eli got around quite a bit over Shabos and for the first time in a few Shabosim he sat for both meals and ate quite a bit.

Eli had his lab work done this morning and BH he doesn’t need any transfusions. However his platelets did start climbing but still has a long way to go to reach the levels needed to be eligible for the studies. We do have a good few days left to see if they will reach those levels before we have to finalize a decision on which treatment to go with.

Today we went as a family to Disneyland and the kids had a blast. It was a real enjoyable treat and the best part was that Eli enjoyed it. We hope over the next few days Eli continues to gain weight and strength in preparation for the treatments ahead.

Please as always continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A FREILICHEN CHANUKA. A GUT CHODESH

One thought on “12/22/14

  1. Deena becher

    Sooo happy that eli was able to join the Shabbos meals and your family trip Hashem should continue to give you strength to be upbeat and take care of eli may this chodesh be the month of the yeshua that mashiach should come and everyone should stay healthy and the sick should have a complete refuah!!!

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