
As of 6:00PM yesterday they added aside from Eli’s main port 3 other IV sites to be able to give the endless amounts of IV Eli needed. His heart rate was extremely high and no matter how many liters of fluid they gave him it wouldn’t come down. His blood pressure was doing the opposite now matter how much they went up on the IV it would continue to fall. BAH as of 1:00AM it has stabilized and they have since began to reduce all the IV. 

Eli is being treated for septic shock as well as for a infection which they have not pin pointed quite yet what type of infection as the cultures just started coming back positive. Eli is BH talking and not in any pain BAH. We hope all of what has been going on for the last 5 hours continues in the right direction only quicker. 

Thank you to everyone that davened extra last night and please continue to do so. Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma.  

6 thoughts on “11/2/15

  1. Gedalya Trenk

    I Daven for you every day.
    You should be Zoche to a refuah shleima Min Hashamayim B’karov, בתוך שאר חולי ישראל.

  2. Rivka

    Wishing Elimelech Ben Basya a Refuah Shlaima Bkaraov! I was just at the Kosel and davened for Eli.

    All the best!

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