
Unfortunately Eli is back at CHLA once again. Since getting back home nearly a week ago it has taken a lot longer then we had hoped and longer then we have seen in the past to recoup from surgery and the hospital stay. The last few days Eli has been complaining about having pain on and off and after taking some pain meds it would go away. This evening the pain became unbearable and therefore we took Eli to the ER. Also even though Eli has been eating quite nicely regular food he has lost a few pounds which isn’t terrible but definitely not good either. The pain was in his arm on Sunday and today its in his leg and no longer in his arm. The DRs don’t have an off the top of their heads explanation for this.

Since the pain meds he got in the ER at about 12:30AM only last a few hours they wanted Eli to stay so if he needs it again we won’t have to come back. So at 3AM we were given a choice to either go home or be admitted. We decided to be admitted so that CV Eli shouldn’t have to go thru another minute of pain. Also being here will expedite any tests they may want to do to determine the cause of the pain. We hope to have more answers as to what the cause of this is. As a precaution they did draw blood labs but as always we are hoping they will be negative. We are also hoping that whatever was the cause of the pains Eli has been having will just pass and it will turn out to be nothing.

In the meantime please daven on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim LREFUA SHELAYMA.

One thought on “11/17/14

  1. Leah Reiss

    Your decission to stay should iyh expedite positive results !!!!!! And Elli should be pain free and have a Refuah Shelaima !!!!!!!

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