
A brutal 5+ days of treatment is finally over. This week consisted of 2 different chemos every day and that was followed by Immunotherapy which is extremely painful and it runs in a perfect world for 10 hours but we finally found a level that Eli was able to handle somewhat which takes about 16 hours. He got this treatment 4 days this week so a total of over 60 hours of torture. To top all this off with every hour of treatment they need to check vital signs and drive you more crazy. ‎Eli went thru 2 separate Operating room procedures as the first one didn’t work and they could place the new line. On Wed morning they succeeded and put in the 2nd line.  ‎

Also this month the hospital started using a bar code system so every time a new IV or oral medication is given which this week was 15+ times every day they need to undo Eli’s blanket and find the bracelet and scan it. I sent an email to every person in CHLA to demand they find a solution to end this even though it is for the patients safety as an alarm would go off if the wrong medicine is by mistake trying to be given. It can be attached to the wall or the bed post or add a longer bracelet so they don’t have to disturb him so often. 

BH we are now home and hopefully have a few weeks while we pray that CV Eli doesn’t get a fever which is a possibility from the chemo and let Eli get some much needed rest. We beezrat hashem will repeat this treatment in a few weeks. 

Please continue as always having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A GUT SHABOS ‎

2 thoughts on “11/13/15

  1. Celeste Reese

    I’m praying.
    My son can’t wear the wrist band when we are there and it drives me insane as well how unwilling they are at times to use an alternate -child-first solution. Thinking and praying for the Gradon family.

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