
At 9:30AM Eli headed to CHLA for his MIBG scan which began on time at 10AM and took about 90 minutes. Eli was a champ and didn’t move so they can get all the images required. They then sent him upstairs for some quick blood work to see if Elis blood levels are up to par to begin accutane. On Monday the blood levels weren’t well enough so they repeated that test today. BH Elis labs are now good enough to go ahead with the accutane. The good news is that being he didn’t start on Monday and they want it completed before round 5 of Immunotheray the next round which is a back to back one won’t begin until IYH the first week of December which will allow Eli to be home for most of Chanuka.

I was hoping to receive the scan results today but wasn’t so lucky. I hope to have them sometime on Thursday. After being tied down to the table for the scan today Eli celebrated with a steak from Shilos which was a present he received from a family friend. We hope Eli will be in school for a full day on Thursday for the first time in a while.

Looking forward to continue sharing only besuros tovos for Elimelech Ben Basya.

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