
Friday was the final day of this past round of chemo. We needed to get an early start to make sure we are home for shabos and BH that all worked out. Eli actually BAH felt a lot better on Friday then he did on Thursday.

Friday night Eli felt up to getting out so he joined me as we went to a few Shalom Zachors. Shabos day Eli entertained our guests and he did the same for our Friday night guests.

Motzei shabos Eli felt up to joining us at a beautiful RCCS fund raiser which was done bzchus lrefua shelayma for Eli. A very large turnout for a most choshuv organization that has helped us and so many families. Tizku lmitzvos to all involved.

There is nothing on the schedule as of now other then lab draws and probably transfusions this coming week. The DR is predicting that Eli will need many blood and platelet transfusions in the near future.

Please as always continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A GUT VOCH

One thought on “1/10/15

  1. Deena becher

    Hope we only continue to hear besuros tovos eli should have a complete refuah with all cholei Yisroel!! May the coming week be a good one for him our thoughts and tefilos are with eli

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